Monday 10 May 2010

Demographic Profile

Our target audience for our website are between the ages of 25 and 40. This is a wide range for a target audience but it is necessary because it must target everyone rather than just a small audience with 5 years as a boundary. They are working class as they will be able to afford to donate to the charity. They are male and female, all ethnicities, and all different statuses mainly because everyone can donate and our surveys show that this target audience is suitable for what we aim to do and that is to get donations for the charity and make people notice cancer more.

It is difficult to have a specific category for our target audience as nearly all working class people between 25 and 40 are perfect for our audience. Therefore we do not have a certain type of people that fit into our target audience to represent everyone, and so we must have to have a number of different categories to describe our target audience through demographics. We had worked out who our target audience were through our surveys that we carried out and discovered that any working class people male or female from any ethnicity or culture have an interest in our website.

When VALS are concerned (Values, Attitudes and Lifestyles) our target audience fits into the following categories, Achievers, Believers, Makers and Carers. I believe that Achievers fit into our target audience as they are people who want to make something of themselves in life, they are career orientated and working class. Believers are people who have the belief of importance to traditional things such as family, church and community and these are part of our target audience because they are working class and they believe that community is important. Makers are general working class people with a family life and are considered to be targeted because they have income and care for their family. Carers is one of the main categories because these are people who are environmentally friendly both nature and people which means that they are generous and care for others. Carers are the main source of donation and are the most interested in our website as they feel that we are part of them and helping their cause which is to take care of the world around them.

For young psychographics there are two main types that our target audience fit into and they are Utopians and Puritans. Utopians are our most interested audience as they want the world to be a better place meaning that our cause is good for helping community and the world come together which encourages utopians to donate and take interest in our media product. Puritans are people who want to do something for the better, and in addition they will be interested in our website because our website is attempting to help and others.

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